What Elon means when he talks about “the matrix”

Jan Heinemeyer
5 min readFeb 9, 2023

When reading the news about Elon Musk’s recent tweets regarding global elites and the concept of escaping “the Matrix,” it’s not uncommon to see people react with judgment and a black and white perspective. Some might even dismiss the idea as conspiracy theory, reaching for their tinfoil hats. But it’s this kind of cognitive distortion, which divides society and undermines critical thinking and public discourse, that is truly dangerous for a modern, science-driven society.

If you find yourself feeling triggered by the notion that global elites are creating a “Matrix” for us to live in, this article is for you. Instead of jumping to conclusions, let’s take a closer look at what “the Matrix” means in the context of our thinking and behavioral patterns and how it impacts us.

By examining the preconceived notions, beliefs, and patterns of behavior that we have created in society, we can begin to understand how these Matrixes shape our thinking and behavior. And by breaking free from these Matrixes, we can unleash our full potential and lead more fulfilling lives.

What is “the Matrix”?

The Matrix is a popular science fiction movie that has been the subject of much interpretation and analysis over the years. In the movie, the Matrix is a simulated reality created by artificial intelligence to control the minds of humanity. But, in a broader sense, the term “Matrix” can be used to describe the preconceived notions, beliefs, and patterns of behavior that we have created and internalized in our society.

These societal Matrixes shape our thinking and behavior, influencing the way we perceive and interact with the world around us. We are often conditioned to conform to these pre-defined models, following established norms, and avoiding anything that deviates from the status quo. As a result, we often end up trapped in a cycle of habitual behavior, unable to think and act outside of the box.

The role of elites and corporate power structures

Global elites play a significant role in shaping the Matrix-like systems of accepted behavior that exist in our society. These elites, who often control powerful corporations and institutions, have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo and perpetuating the established norms and beliefs that make up the Matrix. By doing so, they can exploit the system for their own profit and maintain their positions of power and influence.

One of the ways that global elites create a Matrix-like system is through the use of media and advertising. By controlling the narrative and shaping the information that is readily available to the public, they can influence our perceptions and beliefs, conditioning us to conform to the established norms and behaviors that they have created. This allows them to profit off of our labor, consumption, and obedience to the system.

Another way that global elites perpetuate the Matrix is through the control of economic systems. By manipulating the economy, they can maintain the illusion of prosperity and stability, while ensuring that wealth and power remain concentrated in their hands. This can lead to a widening wealth gap and a disproportionate distribution of resources, with the masses struggling to make ends meet while the elites continue to accumulate wealth and power.

The global elites have a vested interest in creating and perpetuating a Matrix-like system of accepted behavior. By controlling the media, the narrative, and the economy, they can exploit the system for their own profit and maintain their positions of power and influence. It’s important that we remain aware of these dynamics and work to challenge the established norms and break free from the Matrix, so that we can create a fairer and more equitable society for all.

How perception and belief change biology

The connection between our beliefs, perceptions, and reality is a complex and intricate one, with far-reaching implications. Our beliefs and perceptions shape not only our thoughts and behavior but also our biology and even our genetics.

Studies in the field of epigenetics have shown that our experiences and perceptions can affect the expression of our genes. Our beliefs and perceptions can trigger the release of certain chemicals and hormones in our bodies, which in turn can alter the way our genes are expressed. For example, stress and anxiety can activate certain genes that are linked to inflammation and disease, while a positive outlook and optimistic beliefs can lead to the expression of genes that promote health and wellbeing.

In other words, our beliefs and perceptions have the power to literally change the way our genes function, influencing our physical and mental health, as well as our overall well-being.

Furthermore, our beliefs and perceptions also shape the way we interpret the world around us and our experiences. Our thoughts and emotions color our perception of reality, influencing what we see, hear, and feel. In this way, our beliefs and perceptions have the power to create our reality, shaping not only our individual lives but also the collective reality of our society.

Breaking free

Breaking free from these Matrixes can have a profound impact on our personal and professional lives. By challenging the status quo, we can develop new ways of thinking and problem-solving, leading to innovative ideas and creative solutions. This is especially true in business, where taking a non-traditional approach can set you apart from the competition and lead to success.

The same holds true for our personal lives. By breaking free from societal Matrixes, we can develop our own unique perspectives and lead more fulfilling lives. This can mean pursuing unconventional career paths, exploring new hobbies, or taking bold steps in our relationships.

In conclusion, the Matrix is a powerful metaphor for the preconceived notions, beliefs, and patterns of behavior that we have internalized in our society. While these Matrixes can be limiting, breaking free from them can lead to greater success and fulfillment in both our personal and professional lives.

Start asking yourself this question more frequently when you feel triggered: “Why is this triggering me and which aspect of what I am hearing could potentially prove to be true if I take a deeper look?” By taking a step back and examining your reactions to information or situations, you can gain a clearer understanding of your own beliefs and biases, and avoid allowing them to control your thoughts and actions.

This practice can help to foster a more open-minded and critical approach to life, and encourage you to challenge your assumptions and broaden your perspective. By doing so, you may discover new truths, break free from limiting patterns of thinking, established norms and live a more fulfilling and authentic life. We can create new realities for ourselves and shape a better future every day.



Jan Heinemeyer

Mentor for change - Passion, joy, thankfulness, gratefulness, connection, LOVE, wonder, transformation. FREE ebook: linktr.ee/janheinemeyer