The Fear of Being Different: Holding People Back from Their True Potential

Jan Heinemeyer
4 min readFeb 6, 2023



I’ve been through hell the last 6 years. I was struggling with debilitating anxiety and depression and even though I had moments of hope in between the darkest days of my life, it didn’t seem to get any better. For some reason though it gave me the fuel to push harder for living a life that is true to my heart. I wasn’t able to work in an office anymore and so I focussed on building my own business. During these last years I have learned a lot and constantly tried to improve my condition. Without seeing results for a very long time.

Becoming the best version of oneself is a common goal for many people, but fear can often hold us back from reaching the desired future ideal. The fear of being perceived differently from our past is rooted in the subconscious, causing us to continue to present ourselves in a manner we believe is accepted by our environment. However, the only way to reach our full potential and become our true selves is to break free from these fears and embrace the suck that comes with change.

I didn’t really have a choice. life kinda pushed me into it. I don’t think I would have come to the same results if it wasn’t for the crisis of the last years. Some people need a wake up call like I did, but that’s not necessary. You can drive change every minute of every day. Our biological heritage primes us to fit in and be useful to the social group we’re in. It makes us stick to what’s commonly accepted rather than what’s true. Going against these unwritten subconscious programs is always creating cognitive dissonance. But it’s the only way to find out who you really are.

Jim Rohn famously said, “It’s better to be yourself and let people see the real you, than to be someone you’re not just to impress them.” By embracing honesty and expressing one’s true self, the noise that keeps individuals stuck in their familiar patterns will diminish, and they will be able to connect with their true identity. People’s opinions do not define them, and their future self can be vastly different from what they initially expect. As people gain experiences and wisdom, their view of their future self will continue to evolve and expand.

The journey towards becoming one’s desired future self is a continuous process of growth and change. Even when individuals have a clear vision of their future self, as they move towards it, they will experience changes in their values and beliefs. This truth can be frightening, but it is essential to move forward with honesty and not be deterred by the opinions of others. By staying committed to their vision and being flexible in their approach, individuals can continue to grow and evolve towards their true potential.

The key to breaking free from fear and reaching your full potential is to focus on freedom. Dan Sullivan’s concept of the Four Freedoms, which include freedom of time, money, relationship, and purpose, highlights the idea that freedom is primarily an internal experience.

I believe that the first step towards freedom is gaining control of one’s time and using it in a meaningful way. When I started freelancing I soon came to realise that I can make the same money as an employee in half the time. This lead to greater control over money and time, but as soon as I was freeing up my time it became evident that a true purpose was still missing. Having enough time and money is great, but it won’t give you peace and happiness. Only by integrating relationships and purpose you’re moving into a direction of holistic and healthy personal growth.

Harvard psychologist Dr Robert Keegan has a three-step model for personal growth and self-development. The first step is a socializing self where individuals strive to fit in and be accepted. The second step is an authoring self where individuals develop their own perspective and goals. The third and most rare step is a transforming self, where individuals collaborate and create something greater than what they could achieve individually. We need an overarching goal or vision of our lives, so that we know that the very thing you are doing right now makes sense from a higher perspective.

I found out that it is of utmost importance to be committed and flexible at the same time and embrace an anti-fragile approach to personal growth. The biggest obstacle to success is often the fear of how others will react to your choices, but by focusing on expanding one’s sense of purpose, you can overcome this fear and reach your full potential. By embracing your true self, you will find the freedom to live life on your own terms.



Jan Heinemeyer
Jan Heinemeyer

Written by Jan Heinemeyer

A free and democratic society can only exist, when its individuals are free in their hearts and minds.

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