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Member-only story

How to create a life vision that sticks

Jan Heinemeyer


I worked as a consultant for digital businesses. It was my job to create product visions for companies and translate that into a roadmap. I soon came to realise that most companies don’t even want a vision. It’s too fuzzy, too incomprehensible, too intangible for most rational thinking old world white men. Revenue goals, production capacity, new customers, those are the things worth pursuing I heard them say. My greed for money was bigger than my aspirations for enlightenment back then though, and so I thought I’d play their game and shut up about having an overarching vision that is motivating people far beyond the usual company goals. What I didn’t know back then is, that it would kill every last bit of drive in me. I hit a brick wall and slid into a full blown burn out with all of its amenities. Episodes of severe anxiety and panic attacks would come visit, whenever there was just a tiny little trigger. The meaninglessness of my existence had been uncovered and I was wallowing in it like a dog in horse shit.

Disappointed by therapist after therapist I turned to Dr. Google and searched in all directions. Hundreds of videos, books and blog posts (thank you fellow medium writers!) later I started realising that a life vision is not a nice to have, it is essential to our existence. To some people it comes naturally, to others it don’t. Some people just know that building a…



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